See New Layout Faebook Is Testing For Pages


Pages is the platform where you get to
interact with businesses and celebrities on
facebook and it is one of the unique things
about the social network. It has been
updated over time to add stuff like
engagement tracking, boosting posts, adding
business info on the profile and so on.
Nonetheless, we have been accustomed to
the current layout of Pages for a while now
and it seems Facebook is testing some
changes to the overall UI as reported by
Social Times.

As you can see from this screenshot, few
things have changed. The profile picture of
the page is now smaller and has been
squeezed further to the left. The name of the
Page too follows the profile picture and has
been justified to the left. The header also has
been updated to fill the entire width of the
page just like Twitter’s. Thanks to the header
taking the entire width, it warranted the Page
Insights to be positioned below it but still
justified to the right. The “call to action”,
“like” and “more” button have been squished
to the right. Another interesting change is on
the extreme left where you normally see the
Page’s response rate and Total Likes where
now it has been replaced with a menu with
various options.

Facebook did not respond to the publication
regarding these new changes but you bet
they might roll it out to Pages worldwide
sometime in the future. Facebook takes
Pages seriously since it is the platform where
businesses and celebrities have a platform to
interact with their fans and giving them the
best experience will work for them too in the

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