Which Is The Best Vpn App For Cheats?
- Let's find the best Vpn apps for android
- Share how yours work and if you think it's cool,
then suggest it!
- Help others get a good speed with a good vpn app!
Vpn apps do basically the same thing just that
the interface by which they do this may differ.
These days, the days of Etisalat dlite , there is no
time to waste on VPN apps that are slow or not just
the best. I think that's why Simpleserver /Netloop
was dumped. Meanwhile, we are always on the
look out for the latest and fast Vpn apps available
and that's why I created this thread, for us to share
what we use and help others know what's working
and stop wasting time with what's not working!
1. Psiphon Pro Lite handler
As the name suggests, this VPN is really light,
lighter in size than the main Psiphon Pro Lite .
I don't know if it's successful because of the Lite or
the Pro. Either way, it's really successful and this is
among the reasons why people like it.
Features of Pro Lite handler
1. It is faster
2. Pro Lite handler doesn't disconnect often and it
is more stable
3. It is one of the best solutions to stop speed
throttling on Etisalat cheats
4. It takes less storage space on your phone because
the app is not more than 4MB, unlike the normal
Psiphon handler that is more than 10MB in size.
Speaking of space and Ram
5. There are no ads in this lite version, unlike the
normal version where ads from different sources
display at the homepage. The only thing that
displays on this lite version homepage is the "about
Psiphon" page.
6. Transfers data faster because of no ads that run
on background.
7. It doesn't drain battery and phone RAM like the
normal Psiphon app which normally hangs phone
that runs on 512MB RAM.
8. Beautiful user interfaces and a blue icon.
The story continues...
2. TweakWare 1.6
Next up is Tweakware, a lot of people usetweakware and with the recent upgrade, tweakware
have even gathered more and more fans. people
still use TWEAKWARE V1.6 for some of its features
and here is what I was able to gather.
1. It autoconnects with socialme plan on your
Etisalat sim. i.e you don't need any settings to be
able to use this modded tweakware version with
Etisalat socialme tweak.
2. You don't have to insert any fake username and
password for it to connect. (it doesn't have that
3. It has an Handler menu which you can use to
tweak, but before you can enter the handler menu,
you need a childlock code which I will drop for
anyone who is interested, just comment below.
3. Tweakware VPN vs 2.9
this is the ;latest version of tweakware released
Why i Like tweakware VPN vs 2.9
There are a number of reasons why i like the cool
VPN app.
first off, it already has everything set for
cool interface!
So, which is your best vpn app?
share with us!
Psiphon Pro Lite handler vs tweakware VPN vs
2.9 vs tweakware VPN vs 1.6 vs Psiphon[full
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