See The Reasons Why You May Not Use Samsung Galaxy Note 7

Samsung Galaxy has been one smartphone everyone will love to have a test off because of it nice shapes and design, Its high-performing snapdragon processor and global approval, but am going to give you some reason why you may not use this device.

1. The price is nasty
We shouldn’t pretend here. The main reason why people would not buy a Galaxy Note 7 is the price. At a time when bargains abound, Samsung insists on offering smartphones at exorbitant prices. After all, the price of Apple's smartphones is also high yet people continue to buy them. This premium price loop just seems to work for some.

But it’s the law of supply and demand. Obviously, if people are willing to pay such sums to buy the device, Samsung's shouldn’t stop them. The problem here (and elsewhere) is that manufacturers – and society at large – create/exploit our desires. Once a person becomes a customer, convinced that they must buy a particular phone, he or she will be ready to fork out cash, thinking that the end justifies the means. Samsung finds the right balance in order to keep these customers: find the maximum price that people are willing to pay without making them feel ripped off.
My point here is that I do not want to invest $850 in a smartphone. This is a hefty price and seems excessive to me. I feel that the standard today is that we feel compelled to buy anything that’s better or newer, with a focus more on desire than need. That said, everyone is free to buy whatever he or she wants.

2. The Note 7 outperforms my needs
While reading the previous paragraphs, many of you probably thought that the design and specs of the Note 7 justify its price. In absolute terms, this is true. The device is excellent in many ways, and I must admit that grasping it is an experience worth trying. In terms of performance, it’s true that some points are open to criticism, as XDA’s Eric Hulse did in a recent article.

I absolutely do not question the technological offerings of the Note 7. What bothers me is that for many users this is superfluous. Maybe you heard of a GfK study which produced some interesting results about how much time smartphone users spend doing different things:

22 percent dedicated to fun (videos, music, surf, games)
22 percent dedicated to instant messaging
22 percent dedicated to calls
10 percent dedicated to social networks
10 percent dedicated to emails

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Of course, these figures are not 100 percent accurate, so it is possible that your usage might be a little different. That said, this shows one important thing: the daily business of many people does not involve extensive use of their phone’s capabilities. Of course, you need good hardware to run games, but is it necessary to have the best equipment if a less powerful (and cheaper) component does the job? It's a bit of a ‘buy a tank to kill a fly on the window’ situation.

This does not include the Galaxy Note but all flagships – paying for so much untapped performance is not something I'd do. In my case, I use my smartphone mainly for calling, listening to music, messaging and even some apps, so I have no big expectations of performance and, therefore, don't really need a flagship. But the Note 7 has unique features: a stylus and an iris scanner. This may be a good selling point but is not useful for my needs.

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