Story: Tale Of A Virgin Cougar (18+)…Part 1 (Must Read)

It’s around 9’O clock in the evening, the
sky is lit by the splendor of the Moon and
the glory of the stars, cold wind is blowing;
this kind of Night is made for loving, ideas
came to my mind also did flourishing and
ecstatic feeling. I felt lost, alone, torn!
Damn! I need love, I thought to myself. I
decided to take a walk maybe I can find
love, apparently, I’ve been on this quest
for a while now. Will I find love tonight?
I started wandering from my hostel,
Biobaku… to Kofo then Amina – I should
see a girl on the quest for love too, I
thought to myself, maybe we could bond…
I saw none.
From Amina, I went to New Hall. New hall
was crowded as usual and everyone I saw
in New Hall seemed to be on different
quests, they all seem hungry for the same
shii… they want to knack (and getting a
place to do this on campus is a problem for
most UNILAG boys).

From New Hall to Moremi, Moremi was
depressing; is it a crime not to have a car?
Moremi girls made me give up on love and
refocus on hustle, they made me feel like
there is no love for trekking Niggas; they
dissed niggas on 2 legs and drooled over
niggas on 4 legs.

Men it’s time to go back to my hostel,
show my bed and pillow some love, I bet
they miss me already because I’m not
usually out this late. I shouldn’t have
come out in the first place.

“Oh! Hold On, there is one hostel left,
Honours, should I go there or nah?” I
could feel my legs murmur: nigga we
don’t wanna go there – This Hostel is the
deserted island on Campus and it’s not
every UNILAG Boy usual route, except
there’s a special parole, I heard a lot
happens in that pathway.
Going there would be arduous, so I decided
to shred the idea. I was about to leave for
my hostel when I decided to pause and just
do a re-look of my environment… just then
did a car oozing luxury park beside me
asking for directions, inside this car was an
adorably-light skinned-fresh-to-death
woman, as hot as the Sun; I couldn’t stop
looking, wealth dripping off her, Sweet
Jesus! I was beauty struck.

“Hello Young Man, please how can I get to
Biobaku Hall?” I was still deep in scrutiny,
I almost forgot the direction to my Hostel.
I managed to stutter: that’s my hostel
and that’s where I’m headed.

“Young Man, let help each other, I’ll give
you a ride” When I heard this, I promised
you, every muscle in my body just wanted
to sit beside this ‘Woman-Lady’. This
moment I forgot all the stories I’ve heard
about rich fine women using young nigga
for ritual. I didn’t even think about it nor
hesitated. I jumped in and sat down

We started our journey to Biobaku, She
wore this skimpy black gown, she was
ravishing in it and I couldn’t take my eyes
off her. She caught me staring on various
occasion, she began to feel uncomfortable,
so she decided to start a gist.

She told me her name, Mrs. Victoria
Williams, I told her mine. She’s in her
40’s, she’s been married for 19 years,
she has just one son, and she is a financial
consultant. She talked about having issues
in her matrimony and she might be
divorced soon.

I looked at her despondently, it’s quite
sad that a woman who is that beautiful is
going through hardship in her marriage; I
mean she deserves the best of everything. I
commiserated with her, said some
soothing words to her, I guess it helped, as
she smiled faintly.

As we were getting close to my hostel, she
made some oral communications that
thrilled me to bits “you seem like a nice
guy, you’re calm, the way you look at me
makes me feel like I’m 16 again, you
made me blush and for a moment I forgot
my worries” I was happy AF deep within
me, so she liked the way I was staring at
We’re outside my hostel now “I will like
to see you again Young Man, will you call
me?” as I was still trying to figure out an
answer to this billion dollar question…she
gave me her card and softly she said “Call Me”, softly I replied too with a faint- hearted smile ‘alright, goodnight’.

Now I’m back in my room, lying on the
bed, wearing my once in a decade smile, I could hear the beat my heart was
producing and I was thinking out loud like I am Ed Sheeran, have I found love or I’m still on my quest?
To Be Continued…

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